Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 43

-absolutely gorgeous today

-people watching

-bling blang

-got to studio. met with the dudes a bit

-left studio. helped Alex Lin(our web site designer) bring a Excel floorlamp to his studio down the street

-During our 2 block walk we had a nice discussed Dutch design, Houston, and New York
-took a pic of this guy asking if I could spare a quarter (felt bad so I walked back and gave him a dollar)

-ate some spicy vietnamese for lunch

-people watched


-frog...thats cool

-finished the 3d model for the new table

-gave it a good rendering

-walked over to a new future perfect store in the process of being built with the dudes (forgot to take pics)
-left there around 7:00
-went and got some din din with pam pam

-shepard fairey action

-went to an improv show with pamage

-saw some kittens in a store front window

-explained to Pam how to distinguish between Helvetica and other lesser fonts

-had a beer and some nachos


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