Sunday, October 4, 2009

Day 24

-it was a little cold today

-got to work a decent time
-set up a nice little workstation

-worked on final touches on the Areaware stuff
-went to cafe habana with Theo and Charlie for lunch
-saw 2 of the biggest dogs I have ever seen

-ate a chicken diablo sandwich but it wasnt very diablo tasting
-too cold for him

-Charlie found a slightly used plotter in the Lobby downstairs in the give away area
-helped him bring it up to the studio
-couldnt get it to work

-got off around 6:30
-this guy was walking down the sidewalk singing his heart out...he had an amazing voice

-I was like, "whoa this thing looks fast"

-people watching
(Im starting to get pretty good at these around the back shots)

-had some excellent mexican food with Pam (Beef Ranchero Burrito)

-being that there was a Astros/ Mets game that night, the 2 guys in the foreground decided to yell unintelligible things about the Mets because of the colors she was sporting (Pam has no idea what colors the Mets wear)

-met up with old friend from studio (Mason B)

-had a good talk about nyc life, design, and David Letterman
-rode the sub home (i friggin love the subway for some reason)

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