-woke up at the painful hour of 10:00 am
-caught a cab
-got stuck in cab (shut door on backpack strap)
-went to Penn sation to catch a train bound for Orange city
-hung out at Pams work (Steve Mohn furniture)
-ate a sandwich
-played fetch with Steves dog Garth
-designed a bracelet
-talked with Steve about my work, 3d modeling and electronic music
-drove to Jersey city
-had some dinner at Pam's brother's house (Tuna Casserol, salad, and sugar glazed squash)
-sugar glazed squash
-watched two friends play a Grand Piano
-caught the subway back to Manhattan
-lots of sleepy dudes on that train
-got home
-stomach started to feel kinda not good (for 2 long hours)
-stomach finally chilled out a little bit
-fell asleep around 3
-awoke around 12:00
-immediately started craving greasy cheesey american food
-walked down to Blue burger w/ Pam
-gave the burger a 4 out of 10. The fries a 7 of 10. and the cheese a 0 of 10 (tasted like flavorless goo)
-washed my clothes
-people watching
-puma ice cream truck
-had a lay around and not be productive period of time for about 4 hours
-this guy had an awesome afro
-saw the Toy story double feature in 3d (still 12 at heart )
-seriously, ever movie I go to there is always 4 people who are having a popcorn eating contest directly behind me. Its not just calm normal style eating by any means...they were literally grunting and eating small parts of the bag.
-once the first movie was over I bought a small bag of popcorn and moved behind these popcorn eating professionals
-It was a little cold out after the movie... but hot chocolate and pink donuts always fix that.
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