-another beautiful day in the neighborhood
-Did a lot of people watching today
-got to the design layer and started working on changes to the projects Areaware selected
- French guy (Jaques Cristo) stopped by to talk with the dudes about publishing some of their designs.
-we breaked for lunch, I decided to mix it up a bit and wrap my steak salad in a tortilla (was friggin awesome)
-sign says"lettuce toss your salad"
-the rest of the day was pretty much a blur....but the timer design is def progressing
-got off work around 6ish
-walked over to the little novelty street vender place and bought my rastafari colored headband ($2)
-walked home talking to my dad about life etc on the phone
-I'm a little more subtle with my picture snapping (at least I like to think so)
-the 80's are so hot right now
-got home and in the midst of showing of my new rasta headband my roomie April showed me the top of our roof...got some pretty sweet shots.
-stayed in and worked on various side projects the rest of the night
-although, I did get out and ate me a reuben sandwhich around midnight
-came back and this guy was having sleepytime on my front door steps
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