Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day 29

-had work off today (the dudes went to RISD to give a lecture)
-got up at a decent hour (10:00) and got some clothes washing done

-as i was sitting there watching all the little chinese ladies fold clothes I realized that carting my clothes around in plastic bags isn't very sustainable so I bought a nice big orange dirty clothes bag.

-walked down yonder to get some lunchtime grub
-NYC is green (sometimes)

-went to Mcdonalds
-the clerk and I had some communication problems

-I couldnt fight the the call of the Mcganger

-saw some rad looking hipsters
-got back to find that my new rasta headband had shrunken significantly during the drying process

-got all my nice dry clean clothes and headed out to New Jersey
-caught a cab to the bus terminal

-walked into the bus terminal and realized I had no idea what gate to go to
-jugding by the forlorn confused look on my face Joe stopped and helped me

-the conversation went like this:
Joe: Where you trying to go?
me: umm gate 212
joe: no no, thats the area
me: oh
joe: what town are you trying to go too?
me: (my mind goes blank) (I had never been to Pams town before)
joe: how do you not know what town your going to.
me: i dont know I...(trails off) (I had completely forgot Pam had written the name of the town and everything down for me)
- we made our way to the ticket clerk and figured out the gate number.
-he asked me if I was from New York and I proudly proclaimed I was a Texan
-we inevitably talked politics as we went up the escalator
-found the right gate
-shook his hand and thanked him
-headed out to NJ

-sat in the very back seat next to the window
-two hispanic children (about 4-6) sat next to me
-as our train came out of the station to a spectacular view of the city I herd the two kids yell something like "!hay qué mundo!"

-their look of wonder made me smile

-watched all the big skyscrapers turn into quaint little houses and shops
-helvetica is such a uniform font

-the trip lasted about an 1.5 hours
-got to Pam's. unfortunately, something had exploded in my bag as I walked into Pam's house and dripped unidentified fluid everywhere (turned out to be contact solution)
-met pams sister Denise

-ate some flan

-opened a 4 hour can of sleep

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