Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 32

-out the door right on time today
-I would of taken a lot of people watching pictures but the memory card on my phone was filled up (just about 1300 pictures on it)
-called my dad to get the status on my sister (whos over 9 months pregnant)
-turns out she had just gone into labor as I called
-got to work right on time
-finished working on the RBW sampler binders
-got snow leopard installed on mac

-called my dad to see how my sis was progressing
-worked some more on the stools for areaware

-ate some vietnamese sandwiches

-called to see how my sis was progressing again
-we reviewed the stool and critiqued it a bit

-my lack of good sleep caught up with me around 4. red bull fixed that though.

-got off work around 5:30
-called again to get the status on my sis
-saw this girl was playing pic-a-boo with her kid...kind of a creepy pic unfortunately.

-met up with pamage and got some burritos and beer

-accidentally started to drink the hot sauce instead of beer (they look similar out of the corner of the eye)

-got home and fell asleep for a bit
-at 11:57 Case Michael Kosut entered this world (8.6 lbs 21 inches)

-you may call me uncle wyatt ;)

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