Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 37

-nother nasty day in Manhattan
-did not feel very bueno today (bad salmon from last night)

-let the dudes know how I was feeln. Got to feeln better though around 3:00
-caught a cab. (don't have an umbrella)

-got to studio
-it was organic food day. the guys saved me some mixed veggies

-we had an intern applicant stop by (his stuff looked pretty sweet)
-worked on some more packaging renders for the coasters

-some notes alex gave me

-worked on a render for a Jason Miller collection

-worked till about 8:00
-got home
-Justice tickets came in

-oh trust me, I will enjoy the show.
-walked down to St. Marks with April and got some frigid awesome hotdogs

--Spicy Redneck (lower)-coleslaw, jalapenos, wiener wrapped in bacon
--Typhoon (upper)-pinapple, jalapenos, wiener wrapped in bacon
-April wanted to check this little thrift shop called Andy's Chee-Pees. Everything in the entire place was $10 dollars for only tonight.

-I figured it was a good place to get my halloween costume (hipster zombie)

-stopped at Ricky's

-bought some fake blood

-looks pretty decent

-I think I'm all set
--80's reminiscent colored clothing
--neon headband
--1 white contact
--fake blood

-good night

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