-he said "whats up dude?"
-A bit dumbfounded, I walked out of the door at 9:15
-it was cool and overcast
-got a text this morning from my roommate saying "dont worry, nothing happenend with nose bleed guy"
-starred at the ground in deep thought attempting to figure out the best possible reason as to why there was some dude in my living room with a bloody nose.
-got to work around 9:35
-they asked me how my night had gone..I replied with a deep sigh and said eventful. Then went into the details of how one beer with a friend can turn into shots and $10 dollars worth of deerhunter with lots of other friends.
-the guys were having another design meeting
-after a bit of trial and error I figured out my solidworks issue
-exported the tech drawings for illustrator awesomeness time
-it feels so good to go from solidworks to illustrator...almost like that moment a caterpillar emerges out of its pupa as a butterfly
-for those that do not normally work with solidworks, it is one of the most frustrating constrained programs on earth. But unfortunately, it has to be that way because its a prototyping program.
-As we were working Theo looked to us and asked, "you ready?" Then blasted Testarossa autodrive by Kavinsky.
-That was rad..reminded me of being with my peeps in studio
-It was organic food day (eggplant sandwiches, fresh chopped tomatoes and a nut bar)
-as we were all sitting around the table we discussed all the new zombie/vampire movies and all agreed that Dead Snow looks like it will prob get a few oscars.
-around 5:00 the guys had a design meeting with Laura, girl who we order organic food from (whom I presume is German from her accent)
-They discussed her branding strategy, packaging and means of delivering the food.
- she gets up and starts making food for New Yorkers at 7:30 a.m and finishes around 11:30 then her partner delivers via bicycle.
-left around 6:30 I'm not sure why but I completely fall down these 2 stairs everyday when Im leaving
-Its about a mile walk to my place but it gets shorter every time I walk it
-These two guys were in a heated argument
-I ran into a girl whom I think was Swedish, asking me if I new where the street Dunlavy was. Unfortunately, I only know a handful of streets in the area...she was the 6th person asking me for directions in the last 3 weeks. I need to start doing some map studying.
-around 14th street i decided to grab some pizza (apparently this place is Opra's favorite pizza place in the city...Im not really sure why.)
-I came home around 7:30ish and passed out til about 2:00 a.m
-feels good to know that I'm finally caught up with my sleepage.
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