Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 22

-bit behind getting out the roommate grabbed the bathroom first. I gotta give her credit though, shes usually super quick.
-first thing I saw today (Its all blurry cause I still had sleep in my eyes)

-The coldness is already here (this is suppose to be one of the coldest winters in a very long time)

-living in New York has made me want a Bull Dog (I see at least 5 a day)
-This dog was playing the don't friggin move a muscle game.

-hey look, bikers.

-I think the two on the right could tell I was taking a picture of them (definitely Europeans)

-Got to work..had an awesome little multitasking set up going (2 mbook pros 1 for rendering one for tech drawings)(forgot to take a pic of it though)
-Charlie and the other cats were ideating over different color choices

-Organic food day was top notch (cheese sandwhich, pomiganite seeds, organic vegies w/ a sack of almonds, and some sort of apple bread bar)

-worked on some more renders and techs for the rest of the day

-modular candle holder
-trivet set
-cologne bottle
-table top timer
-kitchen timer
-Around 6.5 we headed out to meet up with the graphic designer to talk about the new RBW site

-got there...walked up 4 flights of stairs. (original stairs and walls from the 30's at least)

-sat down and for some reason half of the lights cut off.

-after about 10 min of standing in a very delicately lit room. I felt my legs get a little tired so i decided to sit on one of the panton chairs around the studio. I soon moved to the couch were my eyes began rolling back in my head while I started doing the head bang think that sleepy people do when they're desperatley trying to stay awake.
-as a way of waking myself up I tried to Twitter "totally bout to pass out". Instead, I wrote this.

-eventually I woke up a was pretty interesting listening to the guys, the graphic artist and the programmer (from AOL & Google) talk and understand what it takes to pimp out a website.
-Once we left the desire to engulf a cheese steak overcame my stomach.
-I went all out and got the cheese was so sinfully american.

-came home and passed out for about 3 hours. Bout to go back for more and totally getting up way early tomorrow.
-Happy October.

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