-since I had a good bit of time to walk to work I stopped and smelled the roses a bit with my camera
-10th st
-As I made my way across the street I saw these two girls coming from opposite directions and run right into each other..they hugged it out.
-straight to the awesome album
-got some french fizzy water to sooth my aching throat
-got to studio (early)...
-my current desktop background on the studio computer
(I'm a dog person)
-worked on tech drawings and final renderings...should have em finished tomorrow or the next day. (They're due on Tuesday so I'm in the good)
-lunchtime came around...got a applegate turkey/smoked gouda salad....it was goud.
-helped Theo move a Matryoshka Table (I was kinda starstruck when I saw it in person...I love this table
-yeah... had a few awkward encounters at this restroom since I started.
-got off around 6:00
-just as I was about to get home I walked into Theo's friend Pascale...we chatted about my current apt and some other sublet options that she knows about (in case I stay past January)
-hung with the roommates...gave Travis a complement on his cowboy boots (that means a lot coming from a Texan)
-took a nap for a little bit
-went to meet up with Pamage at Times square. For some reason I couldnt get the flash to turn off on my phone and yes, my gps wasnt working either.
-got lost a little bit...but in the process found the vitra store
mmmm...designer furniture
-met up with Ms. Pambam in Times square
-got some food (blue cheese burger)
-had a beer that was just below par (tasted a bit on the soapy side)
-had a decent conversation going until I spilt water all over myself.
-road the subway home without getting lost at all
-and now I shall bust out with some sleep
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