-stopped by the bodega there was latin man yelling about something...I almost joined in on the yelling but realized my spanish was limited.
-worked until lunchtime on some 3d models for Areaware
-set out for brooklyn to meet up with Jason Miller
-Brooklyn bridge
-This next picture (below) was as close as I got to snapping a picture in his studio...I decided it would be a little awkward to start snapping pics of everything when we walked in.
-He had a friggin sweet studio. To be honest I was a bit surprised with him as a person though...I thought he would be as warm and welcoming as his designs, but in fact, he was quite the opposite.
-As we sat there discussing the RBW's future with Miller's studio I felt my eyes open a little wider listening to his short blunt statements about niche markets, manufacturing, and fabrication.
-hit traffic and it was right about here that I felt all the stopping and going start to take its toll on me in the form of car sickness.
-Hey look a scooter
-Got some grub at cafe Habana
-mmm cuban sandwhich
-hell yes to orange soda
-butchered my finger opening the bottle with my house key
-got back to work...my favorite part of 3d modeling (rendering)
-left around 6:00
- not real sure what direction they are taking this yoga flyer as far as branding...but I'm gonna check it out...my mind and body need to be realigned.
- Saw a horse dog on the walk home
-went and chilled at Union square for a bit. Saw a guy in a ballerina/clown ensemble and pointed my phone at him to document his awesomeness. Normally I am a little more discreet when I take pictures..but I figured this guy was used to be people taking pictures of him so I didnt think I would have any problems. Wrong.
Heres how the dialogue went down:
Ballerina dude: "Hey man why you pointed that at me?"
Me: Turns head looks at grown.
Ballerina dude: "Hey, why you taking my picture" (he's now right in front of me)
Me: (total loss for words) should of said, "what do you expect man you look friggin awesome"
Ballerina dude: points rolled up paper like its a gun at my head "Hey man, you know this is a high crime rate area?"
Me: I laugh "whatever dude."
Ballerina dude: Walks off
>enter cool dude
Cool dude: "hey what did he say to you?"
me: "ahh some junk like, "this is a high crime rate area. Then he pointed his paper pistol at me."
Cool dude: Introduces himself and gives me five
(Its kind of a junk picture...but hes the one with an afro in the center of the pic)
-got me some din din (Its a big mac + chicken sandwhich) (Its way better than it looks)
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