Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 3

-right on time again today
-Theo immediately got me started in solidworks
-Said he needed a helix shaped slide with 3.5 rotations at a size of 4'x 13" and he neeeded it 45 min
-got that shiz modeled with relatively no probs.
-worked on more parts for the playground
-ate some interesting food (wrap-spinach, goat cheese, slice of plum, proschuto, and some other various flavors)
-went out on a supplies run for the model (copper pipe attachement & mdf)
-realized chinatown is probably one of the worst smelling places in NYC
-Couldnt find copper attachement because my gps was all f uped and the plubing store was no where to be found
-worked on more pieces for the playground
-We all left around 6:00 to go have 10 cent wings and beer
-I talked to the guys about what I would like to learn about while Im here (business/consulting)
-We eventually started talking about why I chose ID and I explained to them about how I had made up my mind by reading an article on Marcel Wanders. they told me that they had met him several times. Once in Milan he told them that they look like they are in a band. They also explained to me that they could possibly hook me up with an internship with moooi (marcels firm) which would be a toatal dream come true!
- After that i went up to the bar to see Isabel (swedish roommate) sing. Shes friigin amazing.
-crashed around 2:00 ish

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