-slept til the wee hour of 2:00 pm
-met up with pamage and her amazing Gma
-I was hungry as a horse so I got a chicken parmesan sandwich while they went dress shoppin
-went and chilled for a bit a Union square park and watched some breakdancers rip it up
-saw some Buddhist monks protesting the Junta presence in Myanmar
-saw a Columbian Juggler
-a few hours later ate some Snapper/shrimp/clam ceviche
-saw pams Gma off at the Bus station
-bought a foldable toothbrush and sketchbook from the Muji store
-walked through times square a bit
-got home and realized that scratch in the back of my throat was turning into something less desirable
-went to the drug store and bought some vitamins, some rip off immune system booster junk, and some chicken noodle soup (the soup courtesy of pamage)
-hit the hay around not sure what time.
-awoke around 1.5 oclock
-had brunch with the roommates (i feel like such a yuppie saying 'brunch')
-ever since these Dyslexic eyes first read the classic Dr. Seuss book, I have always had a hankering for Green Eggs and Ham...today, the chance came to cure that hankering.
-Wasn't quite what I expected (eggs mixed with a pesto sauce on ham and a english muffin) but it was still wonderful.
-nice bluegrass band playing up front made me miss Texas just a tad ;)
-I had to part with everyone due to not having a single clean pair of clean clothing to my name (thats a lie I have a few pairs of boxers and sweaters, but I haven't worked up enough courage to wear that in public yet)
-got to the washateria. crammed every dirty piece of laundry I had into that tiny little washer (I was postive one of the little chinese ladies was going to come yell at me...but they didn't..cause they're cool like that)
-while caught in another trace watching my clothes spin around covered in suds, the radio inevitably started playing phil collins (for those who don't know me, just know that I have hated phil collins since I was a little boy...and every waiting type of place I go to ( i.e. a shuttle ride, grocery store or washateria) always has him blasting...its literally like Im stuck in some bad Disney soundtrack.
-As I was waiting to cross the street I noticed this woman...I was intrigued by how strong willed and independent she seemed to be. To me, that is true beauty.
-met up with Pamage again for a movie (District 9)
-sat next a wonderful Dominican girl whom felt the urge to call everyone and their mom during the most important parts of the movie.
-got home to my awesome little twin air mattress and opened a can of sleep
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