-in an attempt to get another 5 min I wound up getting about an extra hour
-around 9:33 I texted Alex that I was going to be a bit late and he texted me back that I was fired
-grabbed a cab...
I think every time I have ridden in a cab and told them Chrystie street they have never understood me the first time.
Me: Hi, 195 Chrystie street
Cabbie: (in thick accent) qwhat?
Me: 1-9-5 Chrystie street
Cabbie: qchrystal street
Me: No, Chr-ys-tie street
Cabbie: Oh, ok. Chrystie street.
Maybe its my thick southern draw
-got to work, Alex asked me if I had saved up enough energy for tonight (We're going out to the sweet paradise lounge to celebrate Charlie's Bday) I replied, ohhhh yesss.
-I printed out all of the 3d stuff I 've been working on this past week and we broke out the red pens and made final adjustments
-Theo "alright we're in the home stretch"
-We got some more of those amazing Hamburguesas
-Two journalists from 'The Architect Newspaper' stopped by to meet with us about current projects..the guy in the picture took great pride in mentioning that he had a 4,000 sq ft loft in Tribeca..made me want to boast about how I am sharing a 10' x 10' room with my former girlfriend while I sleep on a twin size air mattress.
-Spent the rest of the day making corrections to the 3d stuff
-around 5 we got a package from a former intern from Norway with a bunch of Norwegian goods (chocolate, Liquor, potatoe chips) for Charlie's Bday
-Around 6 we got some Genesee Creams and had a toast for Charlie
-head back to the apt again to get a bit of rest in before all the nighttime craziness
-went out with pam and met her toally rad friend Amy whom has awesome taste in music
-Ate some bbq quesadillas
-went to go meet up with the RBW crew at the "Sweet Paradise Lounge" ( was iffy about what to expect of a place with a name ike that )
-got a tid bit lost
-eventually found the place...all things considered, it was actually my type of place. It seems to be designed to just sit back on the plush tufted leather coaches under the very dim lighting and strike up a conversation about french existentialism.
-I met some of their old RISD friends and struck up some random conversations
-we all moseyed on out after Charlie left
-after about 5 min into my walk to meet back up with Pam and Amy I realized that I needed to find a bathroom very quickly
-being that they were still about 15 blocks away I realized that the most sensical thing to do was to stop by The National Undergound to pee and run.
-waited in line behind about 5 other people...it was pretty crowded to say the least
-gave April and Isaballa a big hug and confessed that I was only stopping by to pee
-got hit on by the girl in front of me
-met up with Pam and Amy
-had this awesome spicy chipotle pepper beer
-talked with them and their friends a bit about random things
-got home and conked out
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