-so let this be the belated updation
Monday Day 15
-Just a tid bit of an uneventful day
-I'll do my best to make it seem interesting
-awoke a little late...took a cab again
-got to work around 9:40ish
-the dudes were having a ideation meeting
-its really cool to watch them come up with stuff because they have this really awesome assertive get it done approach to their projects but they are also very playful with their designs and design process.
-they busted out a few different ideas for the firm Areaware
-had me start modeling em in solidworrks once they got their ideas straight
-2 different timers and a set of modular trivets
-got some steak salad w/ bluecheese and bacon action for lunch
-3d modeled and did a bit of illustrator work for the rest of the day
-as I was sitting there listening to the four of us clicking away on our computers I started come to the realization that I have go to be clicking a mouse at least a several thousand times a day...
-finished up around 7:30
-walked home-ate a sandwich
-Im going to leave out the most interesting part of my day..because I dont want this to turn into an emo blog :)
Tuesday Day 16
-woke up refreshed and feeling like a friggin lion
-forgot that I had got up before my alarm and woke up my roommate
-got out the door and stopped at a street vendor to get a donut and something to drink
-as he was bagging up my water and donut I realized that I didn't have any cash on me. The conversation went as follows:
Me: "uh, do you take plastic?"
Vendor: "oh, sure...whats your card number" (takes card)
Vendor: "How much money do you have in the bank? I will give it to you tomorrow..."
Me: "uhhh...what?"
Vendor: "whats the matter you dont trust me?"
Me: "No."
Vendor: (Hands me donut and water) "Take it."
Me: "What? Are you sure?"
Vendor: "Yes, yes.. You can pay me tomorrow"
Me: "Dude, thank you very much.. I promise I'll pay you tomorrow"
Vendor: "ok."
-I smiled for about 3 blocks after that :)
-Got to work about 10 or 15 minutes early
-Worked on more 3d stuff
-Im starting worry that all this sit on my butt stuff for 9 hours is not good for my physical state...thinking about starting to do some yoga or something.
-Jeff Miller stopped buy for a talk
-I feel like a spy when I take these pictures...problem is I cant get my phone to not make the camera shutter sound when I take it...so I have to wait til everyone raises their voices a bit or make some noises to cover it up.
-Ate an amazing burger for lunch...it had a strong mexican influence...almost like a torta but not
-today was one of those days were I couldnt get a decent shot to save my life
-finished up around 5:30ish
-walked down to chinatown to buy a new silk screen
-Chinatown is smelly...but its still pretty cool to see all the people and all the little sidewalk shops
-got to art store and all they had was the lame little speedball kits that were about $100
-came home for a bit
-more interesting stuff happened that im going to leave out :)
-hung out with a friend for a bit
-ate some falafel
-there was a sink in the middle of the restaurant...kinda felt like exhibitionist handwashing or something...
-got home and thought about updating my blog..but felt like a Sloth
-Lion to Sloth in about 14 hours
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